Graduation season has come and gone! Congratulations to all those with children and grandchildren moving onto their next chapter of life. For those with loved ones heading to college this fall, the next several weeks are a great time to review the financial outlook for the next four years. For those with younger children or […]

2022 Key Financial Data (click to download) At HCM, we strive to keep clients up to date with changes that affect their finances. With the constant flow of headlines and new information surrounding Covid-19, the invasion of Ukraine, and monetary policy changes, it is often challenging to identify what information applies directly to your personal […]

As we discussed in a previous post, it is no secret that the biggest fear Americans have about retirement is the cost of healthcare. In that piece, we discussed Medicare and provided a Medicare policy selection framework for identifying the coverage that best suits your healthcare needs in retirement. Today, we aim to tackle the […]

We all want to be more organized, especially in our financial lives.
As we age, our situations tend to become more complex, or organization may simply not be our strength. Although important, managing a home…

After the year that we endured in 2020, it comes as no surprise that healthcare is at the forefront of global discussion. If you look at any survey regarding Americans’ biggest fears about retirement, the cost of healthcare is consistently the first or second concern that respondents cite. This holds true across generations and was […]

Special Purpose Acquisition Corporations, commonly referred to as “blank check companies”, are shell companies that go public through an initial public offering (IPO) without having a product, profit, or revenue. They do not have any fixed assets, overhead, or business expenses. In other words, SPACs exist for the sole purpose of raising capital in the […]

In a world that seems out of control, it can be empowering to focus on the things that are within our control. Easier in theory than in practice. With the constant flow of headlines and new information surrounding the Coronavirus, it is often challenging to identify what information may apply directly to your personal situation […]

This past weekend, we welcomed our clients and guests to the Mayacama Golf Club for an afternoon of amazing food, wine, and live music. Just a short drive from Santa Rosa and nestled in the hills of northern Sonoma County, this beautiful venue provided us the opportunity to connect with clients from all over the […]

You probably have competing financial goals and none of them exist in a vacuum, meaning, a decision to direct cash flow towards one often comes at the expense of another. So how do you make sure you are creating the balance you need to achieve your most important goals? It starts with viewing your financial […]

As our loved ones age, we are often faced with uncertainty surrounding the future. Being the trusted person to care for an aging family member can be a daunting responsibility. With old age comes the potential for uncharacteristic behavior, including missing payments, struggling to balance a checkbook, difficulty with decision-making, and so on. A tough […]