Retirement is changing.  The idea of retirement is no longer a binary decision of choosing to work or not work. The idea is increasingly morphing into a discussion of flexibility. When can I afford to scale back? Can I do it sooner rather than later? What was once seen as “retirement planning” has moved more […]

Do you feel behind in your retirement savings? If everyone had to do it over again, we’d all start saving 10-15% of our income at the outset of our careers and continue uninterrupted until that magical retirement date decades into the future. In reality, our financial lives rarely follow this linear path, and retirement is […]

To maintain a healthy body and healthy mind is what we all want as we age. Earlier this year, we invited our clients to join us on a private tour through the Buck Institute to learn more about healthy aging and the work they do to help all of us. In this post, we want to introduce […]